Mona Lisa Smile, participated in the regional meeting “PDTA per la presa in carico della pazienta affetta da endometriosi” in the field of the regional network for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with endometriosis, that took place in Bologna on 23rd September 2023 at the important setting of Aula Magna of Padiglione 4 of Policlinico Sant’Orsola.
The Conference, organized by IRCCS together with Regione Emilia Romagna and UNIBO, is a prestigious regional congress that has seen the number of participants grow over the years. This edition saw a large audience and included gynecologists and residents all over the region, and saw a multidisciplinary audience, including stakeholders and politicians.
The conference hosted excellent speakers, to understand the disease from a network perspective, with attention to the different phases of the patient's life, taking stock of the objectives achieved so far to date at a regional level. The meeting on Endometriosis aimed to give to the participants a comprehensive overview about the management of this complex disease.
Professor Renato Seracchioli, Professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics at the University of Bologna and director of the Gynecology and Physiopathology of Human Reproduction Unit of the Sant’Orsola Hospital presented the Mona Lisa Smile project to a large audience, spreading important information about the project goals. ’Mona Lisa smile’: professional education and early diagnosis of endometriosis in adolescence, is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU.
“Mona Lisa Smile” develops a digital training (MOOCS) and a specific app, and addresses the needs of education and training of health professionals on endometriosis in adolescence, with the aim of reducing the diagnostic delay. The University of Bologna is the project coordinator, with the support of 5 European partners:
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